Oct 30, 2007

Social Anxiety in 10 Words (or short phrases)

I sometimes go on social anxiety forums and it occurs to me a commonality with how everyone thinks and how I used to always think, in no particular order:
  1. Self-Conscious
  2. Inferiority-Complex
  3. Timidity
  4. Sensitive
  5. Low Self-worth
  6. Paranoia of being negatively evaluated
  7. Caring about how others judge them more than their own opinion
  8. Beat themselves up, leading to depression
  9. Habit of continuously avoiding social activities (irrational fear)
  10. Not getting enough experience talking and learning from socialized people (think of what would happen to a toddler who never gets to witness how people talk properly)

Looking at those, which ones would you say you have?

It seems like a mighty long list, but really if you take care of one problem, many others will go away with it. If you become reasonably comfortable with yourself, you've atleast taken care of #1, 2, and 3. If you develop perspective in your life and further your confidence just a bit, you've taken care of #4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. If you just force yourself to hang out with people who like to talk (learning through observation, and then interaction with them) #9 and 10 are taken care of. It doesn't have to be in order, you can start by talking to people etc, as long as you gradually gain perspective, comfort with yourself, and social skills.

Positivity and a willingness to learn have something to do with helping the process. And when I say something, I mean they are VERY big factors.

That's it.






Anonymous said...

Yo man\woman. Thanks for this blog

Anonymous said...

Man !