Jun 22, 2010

Social Anxiety Cure

Maxwell Maltz's "Pscyho Cybernetics" can help a person understand the process of the subconscious mind. This will help feelings of inferiority complex as well as help creative people figure out how to trust their gut intuition. It is a book that helps with clairity and thus is also a great start in getting over social anxiety.

For a more specific way of curing social anxiety, Dr. Thomas Richards offers a step by step approach that has been highly touted and proven to be very effective.

I think that if you want to get over social anxiety, you have to first relax yourself, and then continue on everyday being positive and learning. It is okay to have setbacks as long as you are moving in the right direction over the long-run. Don't be discouraged by minor set-backs. Bombard yourself with positive information such as those mentioned above and you will be cured.

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