Oct 4, 2007

The Obligatory Nice Guy vs Jerks Debate

Do girls like jerks?

Yes, but not because they are jerks, but because they are confident. I would say that 80% of jerks are very confident in themselves. Of the supposed "nice guys", maybe only 35% of them are confident.

When I say confidence, I don't mean generally, I mean social confidence. I remember when I was in school, no matter how shy I was, there were certain things that I was confident in...like certain classes that I knew I would get good grades in. But that doesn't matter socially speaking.
Being book smart doesn't really mean anything unless you can back it up with status or money.

I have heard a theory on intelligence by Cattell that basically describes 2 types of intelligence: fluid and crystalized.

Fluid intelligence is the power to reason and use information. A person who thinks fast on their feet would be a good example of this. Crystalized intelligence is the knowledge that one gets through research and studying. A book worm would be a good example of this.

Fluid intelligence is much more important in social settings. People will think you're smart, witty, confident and socially savy. A book worm person can often be perceived as dull, boring, and socially unadjusted.

In the nice guy vs jerks debate, the only nice guys who can win are the ones who can apply social skills. The great thing about skills is that they can always be learned.

There are some girls who will actually say they like a "bad" person because of the wild side. I find that this only occurs with girls who are about 18 or 19 years old. That mindset tends to disappear very quickly, or else you get these has-been party chicks who nobody seems to want to touch with a 10 foot poll.

Anyway, from my own experiences, I'd have to say that being nice isn't a bad thing, as long as you're not boring or a push-over. When people say "nice guy" they are actually referring to a guy who is timid, uninteresting, a mama's boy, a person who is generally always too polite.

There is something very un-natural about it. A lot of nice guys think that they should get a woman because they are nice to them. I used to ALWAYS think this way. It was embedded deep into my subconscious. And if they didn't like me, then I would be very bitter and resent them for it. If you think about it, it's a very scheming way to live; acting nice to someone for the sole purpose of getting something in return. If anything, I realized that being nice was really me tricking myself. I had probably watched too many Disney movies growing up and lived in a fantasy world.

There is nothing nice about acting like a pushover hoping someone likes you in return.

A girl does not just want a nice guy!

A girl wants a confident and interesting person. Period.

Interesting can be many things. Maybe you can make her laugh. Maybe you can make her feel really safe. Maybe you just have a vibe about you that she likes. But it comes from a place of who you are, not putting on an act.

Being boring in front of a girl is the equivalent of a woman being overweight in front of a man.

You cannot become bitter over the way a person is. The world is the way it is, and like any lifeform on Earth, if you want to survive you have to adapt. Staying resentful at how other people are better than you or judging someone for acting a certain way is the opposite of living in truth. I've noticed that some nice guys, if you really talk to them, are extremely angry and arrogant inside. They hold so much resentment against the supposed injustices in this world.

You can choose to have the attitude that life is unfair and you are a victim, or you can believe that life is what you make of it.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Deep thoughts said...

I for one completely agree, however, it really is unfair to see women subdue themselves to jerks. It boggles my mind and defies logic, nice guys can be very interesting. I guess you need to find the border line of nice and bad and stay there. You need to find that balance to succeed.